Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Java Time

Each morning I wake up to the amazing aroma of freshly brewed coffee just as the sun is beginning to reach through my window. hah...this isn't a commercial. It's more like I pull myself out of bed, start the coffee pot, and wait until it brews before I can even contemplate my tasks for the day. And God forbid I wake up late, and do not have time to brew my coffee then you might just want to stay away from me that day.

Some would say that this little description would prove I have an addiction, but I would like to think of it as more of a very close friendship with caffeine. I am not the only person who loves coffee, according to, coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide, being grown commercially in over 45 countries. But why are people so hooked?

Could it be the taste? the caffeine? the health benefits? Yes, you heard me correctly on the last one. Old rumors are now being proved wrong (coffee stunts your growth) and health benefits are now being discovered of coffee.

According to the Archives of Internal Medicine, coffee can lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and reduces risk of suicide. If that is not motivation enough to drink coffee, just 2 cups daily can cut post-workout pain by nearly 50% (Journal of Pain, March 2007).

This site is filled with articles explaining the benefits of coffee in more detail...

Coffee in the morning and a pick me up in the late afternoon, with these benefits and many more, how could anyone say no to coffee?

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