Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Study Tips

In tribute to next week...

There is a week in college (typically each semester) that every student uses the term "hell week." It is that miserable time during the semester that it appears as if every professor has plotted against you and assigned an exam or term paper due. Last semester I was "blessed" to have 5 exams during that week. This semester "hell week" is only 3 exams. 3 exams in 3 days is literally finals week, however you also have to figure in that you still have classes, projects, readings and sometimes even a job to do. This week can also be nicknamed "the week of no sleep."

To help alleviate stress during this crazy time of the semester, ...positively coffee offers some study tips...
1. Plan Ahead- make a time table for studying new material, as well as revisions
2. Using YOUR time- bus time/walk time = great study time
3. Focus on Quality Study- playing on facebook is NOT effective study time
4. Understand Your Memory- revise over several days so that information is set into long term memory
5. Eat properly- nutrients and energy from fruits and vegetables can fight stress and increase mental performance
6. Take Exercise- combats stress and promotes relaxation
7. Revise Using Past Papers- familiarize yourself with layout and type of question
8. Prepare and Use Summaries- limits summary to key points and relevant diagrams
9. Try to Sleep Well- sleep deprivation impairs mental performance, just relax!
10. Include Drinking Coffee as Part of Your Study Plan- coffee eases learning by keeping you alert and attentive. The added caffeine not only helps give you added energy but also helps your brain process information better. Coffee is valuable during revision processes because it allows you to focus your attention on a task and helps with short term memory. This decrease in distraction allows you to concentrate on the studying at hand without becoming easily distracted with phone calls or housemates, which is a common scenario for most college students.

College life is full of "hell weeks," so follow these 10 steps throughout the semester and you will see an impact on your exam performance as well as your attitude. Happy Studying :)

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